A Context for Growth & relationship.

We all desire safety & support. Cohorts are one way Harbor Network provides a context for growth and relationships for those launching, leading, and multiplying thriving churches.

Current Cohorts

Intro to Continuationism

This cohort will be interactive and collaborative, designed to inform and ground an eager expectation of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and churches. So many leaders believe in the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit as seen in Scripture, but struggle to articulate or practice what that might look like. We will discuss practical ways to implement our commitment to continuationism in the life and rhythms of our local churches. 

Preaching with Conviction & Imagination

This cohort is for the purpose of having greater confidence in the substance of your week to week sermon material and less anxiety about the context of the world in which you preach. 

Pursuing a Healthy Plurality

A healthy, unified, disciplined elder team is essential for a thriving church. It can also be difficult and demanding to develop and maintain. This cohort is designed to help pastors cut through the complexity that often attends the eldership experience and to equip them to pursue pluralities who joyfully, collaboratively, and intentionally shepherd the flock. 

Making Whole Disciples

This cohort will help you think through and develop an intentional localized approach to making whole disciples that are growing to more and more love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves.

  • These cohorts changed the way I thought about life and ministry.

    Network Pastor | Cohort Attendee

  • Watching an expert in the field listen to and appreciate those of us just starting was an example I'll never forget.

    Cohort Attendee

  • The learning experience was great, but the relationships I made will stay with me forever.

    Cohort Attendee